Benefits and Concerns about a Personal Health Budget

Benefits and Concerns about a Personal Health Budget

The government says that Personal Health Budgets will help people to become more involved with the discussions and conclusions about individual healthcare. The conclusions suggest that the greater control and choice that Personal Health Budgets allow will make the PHB holder have an uplifted behavior about the care and support they receive. There are proven trials of PHBs suggest that some people have been able to use PHBs to choose the kind of treatments they want that are not usually available on the NHS.

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3 Ways to manage a Personal Health Budget:
Healthcare, Personal Health Budgets Robbie Steeles Healthcare, Personal Health Budgets Robbie Steeles

3 Ways to manage a Personal Health Budget:

A Personal Health Budget is a method of payment and management to give people more of a choice and control over the type of person-centered care they have and how its arranged. A Personal Health Budget is an amount of money to provide support to a personally identified care and wellbeing needs, which is set up and planned between the person, or the individual’s representative and the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group).

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Starting off with Personal Health Budgets
Healthcare, Personal Assistance Jeevan Cheema Healthcare, Personal Assistance Jeevan Cheema

Starting off with Personal Health Budgets

Personal Health budgets are available to service users who have Complex Needs and have continuing care, these funds come from either the NHS or your elected Clinical Commission Group (CCG).

For clients who are under continuing care, a Person Health Budget which you can use to find carers, train carers, and pay your carers through this to fit the right needs of the service user. People who have a Personal Health Budget (PHB) budget in place can either run everything themselves or have a healthcare provider to help consult them and run everything such as training and payments for you.

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